Sunday, March 27, 2011


     Disaster in Japan. America’s economic woes. Crisis in Libya. 
Constantly, it seems as if one tragic headline is following the next. 
When will these problems cease? 
     As I was sitting in my American Sign Language class several 
weeks ago, my teacher mentioned the major devastating events that 
had occurred, starting with Hurricane Katrina. She seemed quite 
sad – as we all should be – yet, I sensed something different. 
Listening to her, (actually, more like watching her!), I suddenly 
realized how discouraging these events would make one feel 
without knowing Jesus as her Savior. 
     If I did not know Jesus, how would I perceive these occurrences? 
Truly, I would feel uncertain, doubtful, fearful, devastated. 
Thankfully, this is not the case. I know my God has His hand upon 
everything. He is faithful, loving, and just. He is in control. How 
comforting it is to know this, yet how sad to know that others are 
living without it. 
     How I wish I could have told my teacher this truth that last day 
of class. Unfortunately, I did not take up the chance. However, it 
just fills me with a greater passion to go out and show others the 
truth. To let them know that there is still hope. 

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
   my hope comes from him.”
Psalm 62:5


  1. Hi Karissa! :) You have a blog! Yay! I look forward to reading your posts! I hope your day is wonderful!

  2. So true. I can't imagine how devastating these events are for non-believers. Our lives, words, and thoughts must all bear witness to the hope that is in that we can "give a reason" to those without hope.
    Good encouragement to seek the pleasure of our King!

  3. It is so sad to see people with no hope at all for the future. I am so glad that you are in that class to show your teacher how a Christian sees the world.

  4. Hi Karissa! Just wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog! :)
