Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fiddling and Friends

     This last weekend I have felt like I was surrounded by a cloud of happiness.  Why? My family and I went on a trip to Spokane this last Friday to compete in a fiddle competition. However, that was not the only reason why we made the long journey. This main motivation was to spend time with some special friends that we made at another competition last year. Here are some highlights from the last few days:

Friends  ~  Our wonderful friends live on a beautiful piece of property out in the country. We had the privilege of staying at their house for the weekend. Laughter and fellowship filled each moment of every day. The family’s daughter is around my age, so I had a marvelous time with her! 

Competition  ~ Jonathan on the mandolin and Josiah on the fiddle each competed in their division. I was a proud sister watching and cheering for them. They both did a fantastic job. I also enjoyed watching my friend compete. She is amazing!

Fun ~ Card game after card game was played throughout the weekend. In addition, we city folks enjoyed roaming the farm. From meeting the horse, to riding a zip-line, and even playing basketball until 9p.m., words cannot describe the wonderful time we had.

     God is so good. I remember last year that I was dreading competing in my first fiddle contest. I was determined that I did not want to go. However, I look back and think what would have happened if I had not gone? It was one of those days that I will always treasure. Most of all, we met our wonderful friends. God definitely knows what’s best. I am so thankful that it is HE who is in control of my life and not me!   


  1. I'm glad you had such a fun weekend! And you're right, the things we dread often turn into the most precious and memorable events in our lives! A couple years ago, I had signed up with some friends to go to a three-week music course in Indianapolis. I was tentative, but ok with it since I would know at least two people there. And then, two weeks before we left, they had to back out and I was faced with the ordeal of going away for three weeks ALL BY MYSELF! Of course, looking back, it was exactly the right thing - I made some great friends, and grew up a lot since I had to fend for myself! :)

  2. Your weekend sounds wonderful!! I glad you had a good time! It's amazing to see how God can turn things we dread into blessings that we cherish!!

  3. God is so faithful. Isn't it so great to know that EVERYTHING is in His hands?
